12 Questions Answered About Freelancing That You Were Afraid to Ask

12 Questions Answered About Freelancing

Anyone about to join the gig economy by freelancing is likely to have lots of questions about what life as a freelancer is actually like! So, with this in mind, we answer twelve questions about freelancing that you have been too afraid to ask!

How much can I earn as a freelancer? 

This depends on so many factors, including your skill set, experience, industry, and the quality of your work. But that being said, it’s not uncommon for freelancers to bill more than $100 per day for their work, which provides an excellent foundation for financial independence.

What hours am I expected to work in my industry? 

Again, this is hard to answer outright. One of the best things about being a freelancer is that you can set your own hours. But as a general guide, plan to work anywhere between 30-40 hours each week if you want to freelance to replace a full-time job.

Is working as a freelancer better than being employed? 

We would say so! Freelancing enables you to be your own boss while working the hours that suit your lifestyle – what’s not to like about that?! But also bear in mind that you have to find your own clients and manage your workload, which aren’t challenges that face those in full-time employment.

Do I need to quit my job to be a freelancer? 

Not necessarily! Most freelancers start their careers by developing a side hustle. You can test the water of the industry that you’re about to freelance in by dedicating a few hours after work to your side hustle. In time, you can learn from your experiences and decide whether or not it will be profitable enough to replace your full-time job.

Is freelancing easy? 

For skilled individuals, freelancing is likely to be a relatively straightforward way of making money. But this doesn’t mean it’s easy! While the work you do will probably come naturally to you, you will need to work extremely hard to become successful in your industry. So, providing you’re prepared to work hard and have the right skill set, you might find that freelancing is easier than working a full-time job.

Can I be a freelancer in any country in the world? 

Theoretically, you can freelance anywhere you like, as most gigs exist online. The prevalence of the gig economy has fuelled the popularity of digital nomadism and has provided the perfect opportunity for people to earn money on their travels. As such, providing you plan ahead, there’s no reason why you can’t work from anywhere in the world, providing you can keep in touch with your clients.

What happens if I get bad feedback from my clients? 

Once in a while, you’re bound to receive bad feedback. But it’s important not to let it define you. Consider the feedback objectively and do your best to ensure you don’t make the same mistakes twice. If you let bad feedback get you down, you will struggle to succeed in the gig economy.

Should I offer multiple gigs? 

An excellent way to diversify your income streams and maximize your earnings is to offer multiple gigs to your clients. For instance, a freelance writer might also offer a proofreading service, which requires similar skills but opens the doors to new potential clients. Just be sure to consider your capacity before offering multiple gigs.

How do I know what to charge my clients? 

One of the most important decisions you will make as a freelancer is what to charge your clients. There’s no right or wrong amount to charge, so you will need to do some research into your industry and consider your skills and experience. The best place to start is by looking at what other freelancers charge in your niche and mirroring your prices. You can always increase them as you go.

Do I need education/experience to be a freelancer? 

Typically, you don’t need to have a particular educational background or industry experience to succeed as a freelancer. Providing you have skills and deliver high-quality work on time, you can land gigs with your clients. That being said, having a particular degree or some relevant experience certainly won’t harm your credentials as a freelancer and will help you land higher-paying gigs.

Do freelancers have to pay tax? 

Yes! No matter the country you live in, you will need to understand your tax responsibilities. In most countries, freelancers are considered to be self-employed, so you will need to check what is expected of you before you settle on where to live and work as a freelancer.

Where should I start my career as a freelancer?

RadialHub is the perfect platform on which to begin your career as a freelancer. We provide freelancers in various industries with a platform to find clients and look for opportunities to deliver projects. If you’re new to the gig economy, familiarise yourself with other freelancers in your niche, and get started by launching your RadialHub profile today.

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