10 Step Checklist for Freelancing: How to Get Started in the Gig Economy 

10 Step Checklist for Freelancing

So, you’ve decided to join the gig economy and start freelancing? Great move! Becoming a freelancer is a truly life-changing moment, and the world is very much your oyster. To help you transition into your new work life, we’ve put together this handy ten-step checklist that will ensure you do everything you need to in order to launch your freelancing career.

Step 1: Take stock of your skills 

It’s important to start by taking stock of the skills that you have and how they will help you earn money. Are you a talented writer? Do you know how to code? Is social media marketing your cup of tea? Whatever skills you have, take stock of them and consider what you would like to do for a living.

Step 2: Conduct some market research 

When you’ve loosely decided on the skills that you’re going to monetize as a freelancer, it’s time to do some market research. Begin by finding out what other freelancers operating in your niche charge and how they structure their gigs. The trick here is not just to copy the first gig you stumble across but to review the broader market and consider what’s appropriate for your skill level and experience.

Step 3: Decide on your service offer & prices 

It’s now time to decide on your service offer and how much you’re going to charge. And here’s the thing – don’t get too caught up on your initial offering; you can always change it! People often procrastinate too much at the start of their freelancing journey, so don’t fall into this mistake. Do your research and launch your gig – you will have time to pivot later.

Step 4: Launch your profile on RadialHub 

As soon as you know what you’re going to do and how much you’re going to charge, set up a profile on RadialHub and start optimizing your profile. Make sure you’re clear and concise about the service that you provide as a freelancer and consider your terms of engagement. Once you’re all set up on RadialHub, you’re ready to find clients, as we explain below.

Step 5: Find some clients 

Professionals from all over the world publish jobs that they’re hoping to fill on RadialHub. When you’re all set up on the platform, you can look for clients and apply for gigs. When you approach clients, make sure you meet the requirements they’ve asked for and explain your offer in detail. Even if you don’t get offered gigs right away, it’s important to put yourself on the map and connect with some clients.

Step 6: Land your first gig 

As soon as you start connecting with clients on RadialHub, you will land your first gig sooner rather than later. And as soon as you’re hired, do everything you can to make the first experience a good one! Successful freelancers typically build their careers on repeat business, so try and ensure your first client will come back and hire you for a second time.

Step 7: Build a website and get social

Now that the work is trickling in and before you get too busy, spend some time building your website and setting yourself up on social media. You can use a website builder tool like Wix, or you can hire a web designer to help you. Your choice really just depends on your budget, but in the early days of your freelancing career, it’s a good idea to save money wherever you can.

Step 8: Compile testimonies and reviews 

As soon as your website is up and running, be sure to ask your clients for feedback in the form of testimonials and reviews, so you can add them to your site and share them on social media. Sharing testimonials from happy clients is the best way to attract new work, so do everything you can to get good reviews, particularly in the early days!

Step 9: Market your services 

When everything is in place, put together a marketing strategy so that you can find as many clients as you can to kick-start your career. Be sure to use social media to your advantage and consider paid posts on various platforms. It’s definitely worth investing a small amount of money in marketing as you start your freelancing career to give you the best possible chance of finding the clients that you need to succeed.

Step 10: Deliver exceptional work 

Congratulations, you’re now a successful freelancer! But to ensure your time at the top isn’t short-lived, you need to do everything you can to maintain your high standards and continue delivering exceptional work to your clients. If you let your standards slide, there will be another freelancer waiting in the wings to take your place. Deliver quality work on time, and your freelancing career will go from strength to strength – trust us!

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