12 Do’s & Don’ts for Side Hustle Success 

12 dos and don'ts for side hustle success

Developing a side hustle is a terrific way to earn some extra money in your spare time. By monetizing your skills and working with different clients, you can increase your productivity and maybe even turn your side hustle into a full-time job. To help you along your way, here are twelve do’s and don’ts that will increase your chances of side hustle success.

Do Articulate Your Offer. 

When you’re starting your side hustle, you need to be clear about what your offer is. Define the scope of your side hustle and understand what’s part of your offer and what isn’t. If you’re not able to articulate your offer, you may end up stretching yourself and doing work that isn’t within your remit.

Do Understand Your Limitations. 

A side hustle is meant to be done on the side! You need to fully understand your limitations and ensure you’re only taking on projects that you can deliver alongside your other work. While it’s great to be busy, and you may want your side hustle to evolve into a full-time role one day, be clear about your limitations in the early days, so you don’t burn yourself out.

Do Ensure Your Projects Are Delivered on Time. 

There is nothing worse in the world of freelancing than projects that are delivered late. If you’re struggling to meet demand, extend your delivery timeframes, so you don’t disappoint your clients. If you fail to meet your deadlines, expect negative feedback, and you almost certainly won’t enjoy repeat business from the same customer.

Do Ask for Reviews and Feedback. 

Reviews and feedback are exceptionally valuable to freelancers. They will help your side hustle improve and evolve and will ensure you don’t stagnate. Once you’ve completed a few projects, ask your clients for a couple of sentences on how they thought the gig went. You can then incorporate their feedback into your work and publish positive reviews within your portfolio.

Do Consider Your Pricing Structure Carefully. 

Deciding how to charge for your services is a critical step for any freelancer. When you’re new to your side hustle, you need to offer your clients great value without underselling yourself. Begin by looking at what other sellers on Radial Hub charge for their services, and ensure your costs align with industry standards. You can always lower or increase your prices depending on how busy you are.

Do Respond to All Enquiries with Courtesy. 

Throughout your side hustle, you will receive a range of enquiries from potential clients and those looking to work with you. Even if you’re not interested in the proposal in front of you, respond to every enquiry with courtesy and respect. Manners cost nothing, and you might end up working with this person in the future.

Don’t Lose Sight of Your Goal. 

As your side hustle picks up pace and becomes popular, it can be easy to lose sight of your goal. If, for instance, the goal of your side hustle is to earn a couple of hundred extra bucks every month to pay off your credit card debt, don’t let things spiral out of control to the point where you’re working yourself to death! Staying true to your goal ensures you can get the most out of your side hustle and means you don’t become overwhelmed.

Don’t Take on Projects You Can’t Manage. 

While it can be tempting to take on every project you’re offered, you need to understand the value of saying no. If your side hustle is successful, you need to manage your workload carefully and accept projects that fall within your capacity. Taking too much on will compromise the quality and timeliness of your deliveries.

Don’t Leave Things to Chance. 

When you’re starting a side hustle, you need to take the initiative. Proactively seek out opportunities and look for clients, and don’t leave things to chance. If you exclusively expect clients to find you and don’t take the initiative, you will almost certainly struggle to find work to make your side hustle a success.


Don’t Forget to Build Your Portfolio. 

When you’re focusing on completing projects, it can be easy to forget about developing your portfolio. But a rich and varied portfolio is key to the long-term success of your side hustle, so make sure you regularly update it and include testimonials, reviews, and feedback from your most recent clients.

Don’t Spam Clients for Business. 

Blanketly spamming clients for business won’t get you very far. You need to approach clients with respect and decency and consider the proposal that you’re making to them. Spammy, regurgitated messages will almost certainly be ignored, so don’t waste your time with this approach. Instead, invest your time developing organic, meaningful relationships with clients that are more likely to yield success.

Don’t Panic if Things Are Slow at First! 

When you’re new to the gig economy, things are likely to move slowly. But don’t panic! It can take weeks or even months to land your first couple of clients, but you will find that things will start to snowball when you develop experience and receive testimonials. In the early days and weeks of your side hustle, be patient and respond to messages promptly, and you will see your business slowly evolve in the right direction.

Final Thoughts. 

There’s never been a better time to start a side hustle. With the international gig economy thriving, you will be able to find clients and deliver projects that you’re passionate about. Hopefully, these twelve tips will prepare you for life as a freelancer and help you turn your idea into a profitable side hustle.

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