12 Things You Should Know About Starting a Side Hustle

12 things you should know about starting a side hustle

If you’re about to start a side hustle, you’ve come to the right place! So many people in different parts of the world are looking to supplement their income, and starting a small business or freelancing on the side is the perfect way to go about it. Not overly convinced? Here are twelve things you should know about starting a side hustle that will provide you with the inspiration you need to start your income-generating idea.

Anyone Can Start a Side Hustle.

You don’t need a master’s degree in business to start a side hustle! If you have a skill and an idea about how to make money, you’re good to go. Remember that side hustles can be super informal, like selling unwanted items on eBay, but can equally include pretty full-on tasks like social media management. Whatever your money-making idea is, you can turn it into a side hustle.

You Don’t Need to Quit Your Job. 

As the name suggests, a side hustle is meant to be done alongside something else. Even though you might want to, it’s not necessary (or advisable) to just quit your job as soon as you start your side hustle. If your plan is to turn your side hustle into a full-time position, you need to develop a strategy to make it happen and think carefully about your finances along the way.

Things Might Start Slowly. 

In your first few weeks and even months as a freelancer, things are unlikely to move quickly. While this can be demoralizing, it’s only to be expected. After all, clients aren’t overly keen on taking a chance with someone who hasn’t got any reviews or experience. That being said, you will soon find that things start to change, and in no time at all, the orders will come thick and fast.

Celebrate Your First Client!

Every freelancer remembers their first paying client! It’s like completing a rite of passage, but it’s also exceptionally gratifying to know that someone is willing to pay you for your services. As such, give yourself a huge pat on the back! Celebrate your first client and use the experience as motivation to ensure it’s the first of many.

Experience Trumps Qualifications. 

In the gig economy, clients are more concerned with your experience and ability to complete a task rather than whether or not you are qualified to do it. While there are exceptions to this rule, providing you can prove to your clients that you’re up to the task and are experienced enough to deliver what they want, they won’t be overly concerned with your qualifications.

Being Proactive is Necessary. 

As a freelancer, you need to be proactive. You will struggle to find success if you sit back and wait for clients to find you. Instead, consider your current networks and look for potential opportunities. Also, reaching out to current freelancers for collaborations is a great way to get your foot in the door and can help you grow your side hustle.

Use Other Freelancers as Inspiration.

After signing up to Radial Hub, it’s a good idea to check out the profiles of your fellow freelancers to find out how they’re marketing their services. This will help you ascertain how much you should be charging for your services and will also indicate how best to write about the details of your offer. Look for highly rated profiles from experienced sellers, as these are the people that you will hope to replicate in the near future.

Keeping Your Clients Happy is Vital. 

The golden rule of freelancing is keeping your clients happy. Make a commitment to yourself to go above and beyond to satisfy your clients if you want them to keep coming back. The best way to grow your side hustle is to receive repeat business from the same customers. If you do everything you can to keep your clients and deliver outstanding work ahead of schedule, you will see your side hustle grow from strength to strength.

Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Communication.

This goes hand in hand with the previous point. Communicating effectively with your clients will pay dividends. Make yourself available and respond to all messages you receive in a timely and professional manner. In the present day, customers want to work with freelancers who respond quickly and will deliver on time, so be sure to make a good first impression when communicating about a potential gig.

Feedback is a Gift. 

Feedback is valuable in all aspects of life. And when you receive it as a freelancer, it’s an excellent way to improve your service and grow your side hustle. While you don’t need to act upon every piece of feedback you receive, making the most of the comments your clients make will undoubtedly help you in the long term.

Your Side Hustle Might Become Your Full-Time Job. 

You’d be surprised at how often a freelancer’s side hustle becomes their full-time job. Even if you don’t aspire to leave your current position, you might find that your side hustle has become so successful that you need to choose between one or the other. When thinking about the growth of your side hustle, bear in mind that sometime in the future, you might be able to work on it instead of (as opposed to in addition to) your current employment.

The Possibilities Are Endless. 

Perhaps the best thing about starting a side hustle is that the possibilities are truly endless. Most freelancers start with nothing but soon find that their side hustle has become a pretty big deal! As you increase your client base, more and more opportunities present themselves to you, and you can eventually grow your side hustle into a full-time business that is operating beyond your wildest dreams!

Final Thoughts. 

Thanks to the proliferation of the gig economy in recent years, now is the perfect time to launch a side hustle. No matter what your idea is, you can earn money as a gigster and reduce your dependence on your primary source of income.

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